
Step One and Step Two...To retire on your terms

One of the unfortunate side effects of spending a little too much time watching some great college basketball recently has been the overexposure to the accompanying commercials that I suppose are required to finance this annual spectacle we refer to as March Madness. Perhaps it’s an occupational hazard that I perceive a high percentage of these advertisements to be related to financial planning – and more specifically planning for retirement.

Do You Really Have a Plan for Retirement?

Retirement. One little word that conjures up complex emotions. Ten letters, three syllables, one simple word that can generate the conflicting feelings of fear and excitement, happiness and sadness, uncertainty and clarity - all at the same time. These feelings can be related to us or maybe our parents or other relatives, but the emotions are the same and they are real.

Faith and Long-Term Investment Strategies

We have a lot to be concerned about these days—the economy, unemployment, the deficit, the ineffectiveness of government, terrorism—the list goes on. We can work ourselves into quite a state of panic speculating on what the ultimate outcome of these issues will be or over concern about whether or not it could actually get worse.

10 Reasons to Roll Over From Your Former 401(k)

In working with individual clients, I am always a little puzzled by how often I’ll find out they have one or more account balances with a former employer’s 401(k) or other retirement plan.  I am also puzzled (though not so amazed anymore) that it has usually been a really long time since they’ve made changes or at least evaluated their investment selections in that plan. 

6 Steps to Maximize Your 401(k) Strategy: Retirement Plan Series

The last time I felt compelled to put down some words 3 or 4 weeks ago, the market was experiencing extreme volatility with huge swings from up to down and vice versa, sending even those with the strongest of stomachs to the antacid section of their pharmacy. Looking at where the market was then and where it is now, you'd think not much had had happened during those few weeks.

Four Exercises in Sanity (In a Wild and Crazy Market)

“If you can keep your wits about you while all others are losing theirs, and blaming you, the world will be yours and everything in it, what's more, you'll be a man my son.. Rudyard Kipling.”

The Market Has Its Own Ideas...

Good news for Plan Participants! (Are you ready for fee disclosure?)

Good news for Plan Participants! (Are you ready for fee disclosure?)

DOL Announces New Rules on Retirement Plan Fee Disclosure